Читаю сейчас автора SilverDust09, автор, в целом для фанфикоавтора, талантливый, и может неплохо предполагать логичное развитие событий или действий у Мартина.
Сейчас этот автор пишет Джонерис, где Санса замужем за Гарри Наследником, личность Эйгона пока не понятна (он стал всадником Визериона). Между Эйгоном и Дейенерис перемирие. Джон знает кто его родители на момент встречи с Дейенерис. Он стал всадником Рейгаля.
Эурон скорее похож на книжного чем на сериального (рог применял), и с ним была битва между Дейенерис на Дрогоне, Джоном на Рейгаля и Визерионом под действием рога. Эурон под конец битвы сбежал, когда прибывший Эйгон смог добраться до Визериона и успокоить его.
И вот тут Тирион... Tyrion could not help but feel burning jealousy as he heard that. Of course, the tall and golden-haired Harry would not fail in planting an heir into Sansa Stark's belly.
The evening turned only worse when Tyrion saw how close Jon Stark and Daenerys sat together. Whispering like two children and laughing silently. Aegon was also close by but he did not seem bothered by their shared understanding. Not much to his surprise, Ser Barristan had taken a liking to Jon Stark in an instant.
And why not? He was a king and the son of a prince? The result of a pretty song that even Sansa would love. The thought made Tyrion want to vomit or perhaps it was only the smell of death lingering in his nose.
When some fool played up a sweet song he stood and wanted to retreat to his pavilion but Aegon called after him.
"Are you already exhausted, my lord?"
"It has been a long day," he said and eyed Aegon curiously. Something had changed in his demeanor. He was no longer this spoiled boy that had thrown the cyvasse pieces into his face. Yet he was still formable and that gave Tyrion an idea that should not be there. "And you look quite exhausted as well, your grace. Will you travel back to King's Landing on the morrow?"
"Yes, that is my plan," he replied. "Why are you asking?"
"Because I am thinking of accompanying you there. I cannot stand to be with my brother who will soon be brought to Winterfell and I need to levy new troops for the upcoming war. Along the way, we could travel together."
Aegon seemed surprised. "Well, if your queen gives you her blessing I shall not mind a traveling companion."
Tyrion was pleased and went to his queen. "Your grace, may we have a moment?"
She nodded and turned away from Jon Stark and Ser Barristan. It was time to take his leave from her as he was no longer useful. His position had been usurped by his old friend, Jon Stark. Yet he would not tell her that.
Tyrion may be a dwarf but he still had his pride.
Мне почему-то кажется, что и в книгах Тирион будет таким "ну конечно Санса полюбит высокого и златокудрого лорда", "Джон Сноу, его стариный друг, оказался узурпатором его места, и все потому что он гном, но он Ланнистер и он всем покажет!"
И уже начал плести интриги вокруг Эйгона.
На мой взгляд, автор неплохо показал характер Тириона.